Saturday, 8 January 2011

Amazing pieces of Animation and Art and Bad Animation

Good and bad animation, here is an example of good facial animation provided by image metrics facial animation.  This started in England by Gareth Edwards , Kevin Walker and Alan Brett's they first got together at Oxford University and using their knowledge in mathematics.  This was a starting point, for as a real human face is made up of thousands of different colours.  Each one of these is a mathematical starting point.  The difference between motion capture or mo cap for short.  This involved placing hundreds of little balls or points of reference on the human face.  Then, using special cameras they were able to capture human expressions but not of  a high quality like image metric, motion capture seems to have lost on facial expressions and losers definition. But image metrics were able to do this by using raw video and put through a series of processors using each one of the different colours on the face as a reference for mathematical problem.  They later called this crazy maths or magic maths and this was a breakthrough in light scanning technology, which was broken down into hundreds a different coloured pixels.  The raw video of the actor/facial expressions was broken down into algorithms and analysed over a long period of time and after the process was finished.  This was then put to a digital puppet, which sent games, TV and films years into the future with this technology here is an example of a good facial image metrics animation.

 The next animation clips are considered to be some of the worst animation on the net with this consent of their creators.  I can now show you some of their work.  With this in mind, consider there is no bad animation only bad animators in whatever field of animation that people decide to do.  I believe that you should thoroughly explore the field that you wish to pursue this could be stop motion animation sketchbook animation CGI films or TV.  All these areas should be explored and researched thoroughly for as I said there is no bad animation only the people who haven't researched their field probably to get the best of their animation.  Some of these clips were starting points for the people who create them.  Some of them are still doing the same thing we have all got to start somewhere in whatever field you pursue.  So here are the short clips put together into one just to compare what people have created in their first endeavours to become animators.
The next piece of good animation was created by a Russian artist entirely on transparent celluloid by painting the pictures on different layers and combining them to make a finished product.  It is said that she is one of the forerunners in a field and watching several of her videos of animation.  I can see why.  The animation.  She has created is amazing, as this was all done by hand.  The Russian animators name is Norshteyn's, and the clip is called Good Night Children.  She had so many stunning animation productions.  It was hard to choose.  But I chose this one for its warm vibrant colours and it puts me in mind of an old Beatrix Potter book.  So as you watch.  Just remember, this was all done by hand and is one of the finest pieces of sketchbook animation  I have seen on the net.

The next piece of good animation is by Michael Stevenson, this is stop motion animation a short clip by aniboom entitled Pigeon Pilfer this was all done with plasticine.  It is very well presented and has some good facial expression, movement I went through 35 of his animations, but this one stood out as a good piece of stop motion animation very simple but effective in its simplicity to catch the eye.  There are so many good animation people out there that it's a wonder some of these people don't get together and form their own company.  For sure if they got together they could create really stunning work that people would want to watch.






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